
Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc

The project

A new purpose for a huge former industrial space

The former Michelin tyre manufacturing facility, has been transformed into the Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc: a home for innovative businesses focused on a more sustainable future.

MSIP have newly opened facilities and have an abundance of space to help businesses grow and operate across the enormous 32-hectare site, the issue they face is finding suitable tenants to fill their space.

3 key elements of our strategy

1. Create a personalised approach for potential tenants.

2. Deliver the key information as bitesize chunks.

3. Showcase the fun and innovative spirit of the Parc.

Image of a build and the words 'welcome to the new home of your business'.
A series of website blocks showing information, statistics and photography of industrial spaces at MSIP.

Custom landing pages

Built using personalised blocks.

Each potential tenant has different areas of interest and requirements when it comes to space. We created a modular system to allow the MSIP team to build their own custom landing pages target each person specifically.

Everything is built using customisable blocks. Create a layout, add your blocks or one of the pre-built block patterns and customise for each person. Fast, simple and targeted to each potential tenant’s needs.

A series of website blocks showing information, statistics and photography of industrial spaces at MSIP.
Photo of a woman infront of a building with the words come say hello we'd love to chat'.

The cards

Who doesn’t like getting a handwritten postcard?

The MSIP team often engages with prospects at events and to make a lasting impression, we devised a unique strategy. Each custom landing page generates a QR code sticker, which is attached to a postcard and sent with a handwritten message to foster genuine connections and encouraging follow-ups.

Four bright and colourful business card sized cards with industrial buildings and the words innovate, make, future and scale on each.

The challenge day

How about we create a giant illuminated racetrack?

Emulating a captivating gameshow format, we collaborated with filmmakers to capture the Challenge Day, as a 30 minute video piece highlighting the breadth and depth of facilities available at MSIP.

Teams completed a range of physical and mental challenges to earn the missing parts for their electric go-karts. They were then taken to the giant illuminated racetrack to compete against each other in a bid to record the fastest lap.

Woman with bucket on head makes silly pose stepping over block.
People huddle round a table with sheets of paper.
3 people look to their left while carrying brooms and poles.
Bright and colourful illustration shows a woman sitting at a laptop with a hand raised and another woman with a clipboard approaching.
4 people around a table discuss the contents of a piece of paper.
Man on a static bike indoors pedals as people look on.
Woman laughing while wearing crash helmet and man beside her points to her head.
A team of 4 pose behind their electric go-kart.
3 people in a large white warehouse space point and gesture as they try to naviagte a track of blocks and cones.
Purple illuminated warehouse space with giant glowing arrows.
Light streaks from go-kart tail lights swoop past on the corner of a purple illumintaed racetrack.
A group of 12 people celebrate with their hands in the air.

The challenge day

How about we create a giant illuminated racetrack?

Emulating a captivating gameshow format, we collaborated with filmmakers to capture the Challenge Day, as a 30 minute video piece highlighting the breadth and depth of facilities available at MSIP.

Teams completed a range of physical and mental challenges to earn the missing parts for their electric go-karts. They were then taken to the giant illuminated racetrack to compete against each other in a bid to record the fastest lap.

Watch the full video

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